Documentary: Dreams On Spec

Today has been a real busy day but I quickly wanted you all to check out this excellent documentary called Dreams On Spec (2007). This dcoumentary features screenwriters such as Nora Ephron (who recently passed away), James L. Brooks, Carrie Fisher and many other screenwriters who share their stories on the struggles of turning their scripts into movies.

Though I’m not a screenwriter (yet) I can relate to their struggles especially now that I’m stepping into the film industry myself. I realize that if I want to be a success in the industry I have to work hard. be patient, and don’t take rejection too seriously because you’re gonna be rejected a lot. That’s what I took out of this documentary and I want you all to check it out

Dreams On Spec


Author: jcooper82

Hey everybody welcome to Justin's Wheelchair Chronicles. This is a blog that's dedicated to my documentary The Wheelchair Chronicles. I'm 36 years old and I'm a proud graduate of DePaul University. Currently I'm of member of Access Living's Young Professionals Council. This film is a journey into my life and the struggles, the obstacles that I go through in my wheelchair. I'm doing this film not only to show people who I am but I want to have fun filming my crazy adventures in the city of Chicago.

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